Signed Up for ZooTown Challenge? Come to Our OCR Class for FREE at VRTX Fitness!
Sign up for zootown challenge
All ZTC participants get to attend this class for free, pending space
Shoot us an email with your name, phone number, and email, and let us know which dates you'd like to attend class - we'll sign you up!
attend our premiere class led by VRTX trainer & griz track coach, zach meyer
Obstacle Training
Strength, Agility, Speed, Mobility
Push, pull, jump, drag, and climb!
All Levels Welcome
Become zootown ready and life ready
This class not only prepares you for the ZooTown Challenge, but also to live better. This class will take place on VRTX's new outdoor patio training space as well as our indoor group fitness room, turf room, and track.
Mon/Wed 6:30am-7:30am
Located at VRTX Fitness